Alcoholics Anonymous and the Audiobook Revolution

just words

My personal history includes many years involved with Alcoholics Anonymous, for a decade as the official “taper” for AA and Al-Anon conventions. It’s something I worked hard at, traveling around North America, and am proud of, though it’s tricky to “find the audience” to let people know these great recordings exist (because the audience is anonymous!). Now, I’m happy to announce some of these great recordings, very high-quality and easy to listen to, have found a home on Spotify. I have begun turning them into audiobooks! Continue reading “Alcoholics Anonymous and the Audiobook Revolution”

Alternative Reality is Here! Just Look!

just words

Zooming In on Reality

Standards for audio and video technology, the stuff behind the scenes, deep inside the computer, are based on playback equipment capability, not recording equipment.

This odd, random observation joined another seemingly random observation in my brain today, as I was listening to myself sing a Bob Dylan song … on video!

In the song Tangled Up in Blue, the lyrics say “All the people we used to know; they’re an illusion to me now!” The word “illusion” collided into my mind’s assembly of what would become this article.

The second random observation is life is nothing more than an illusion!

It’s as true as anything! Continue reading “Alternative Reality is Here! Just Look!”

Loaf of Bread

free poem

Loaf of Bread
(a poem)

Sliced bread ain’t that great
Certainly not the best thing I ever ate
Please allow me to elucidate
I know somethin’ better!

When she walks in the room I turn to butter
Better than just about anything ever
No loaf of bread could come near looking better
Especially when she’s in her white sweater

So she’s out in the sun and she’s perfectly toasted
And if I had some jelly and some coffee I roasted
We could clean up the cupboards and toss out the rotted
We could run on the beach ’till we’re totally wasted Continue reading “Loaf of Bread”

Should I end a 2 year relationship before or after we eat tacos?

I strongly believe you should have the tacos first. And please understand, you’re not the only one who’s had this problem, wondering if they should have their delicious tacos before breaking off their two-year relationship.

Tacos are the perfect meal, in fact, because they’re lightweight and their ingredients are brightly colored, so they can easily be found scattered around Continue reading “Should I end a 2 year relationship before or after we eat tacos?”

Why are hot dogs called DOGS?

1200x630-FB-CAT Baloneygate

Cat Stevens actually wrote a song about this.

A long time ago, a gang of angry, feral cats broke into the Meriam-Webster building and forged some documents. It was a big scandal; they changed the names of a number of popular foods (Google “Baloneygate”).

The cats later formed a society called the “Dogmatic Watchdogs” – their purpose was to “shepherd the forces that demean felines.” They would meet in unlikely places and cause trouble; boxing rings, on farms, at sled pulls, bear-hunting contests, Continue reading “Why are hot dogs called DOGS?”